Several people have asked about how my iPod Touch fared after it took a dive into the toilet. I'm here to tell you that it not only survived, it is greatly improved!
I let it dry out for 48 hours, and contrary to most advice I saw on the internet, it wasn't a goner.
While it was drying out, a colleague mentioned that she downloaded a Kindle ebook application for her iTouch. So, my first official act on the dry iPod was to do the same. How cool! I am excited about the fact that I'll always have a book handy.
Now, if I can just keep it out of the potty.
Glad to hear all is well :)
hooray! Both for its life and for kindle :) Benjamin Button was the first book I read on there too :)
I guess they're tougher than legend has it then! How cool you can download a book to it.
How cool that you can dunk it in the toilet and it still works! Not that I'm advocating it on a regular basis, of course...
Glad it survived! My friend lost her ipod and found it in the fridge under the cheese!
Unbelievable Jan! And again I say you are the reinging queen of technology. You'll have to let me know about the kindle - not that I'm getting it. But I just can't wrap my mind around reading a book that way. I like holding a book in my hand. But it would be nice to have a smaller thing to tote around.
I guess I missed the story of how the ipod fell in the toilet... : )
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