Thursday, December 24, 2020

Oh, Christmas Tree, How Lovely Are Thy Earrings

I've gone to a couple of places recently that had Nordic Christmas trees for sale. They are very simple; a nice contrast to the often over the top Christmas decor.  However, being both frugal and handy, I had a hard time spending big money on something so simple.

At one of my favorite shops, they had a simple metal tree with Mexican milagros on it. I looooooooove it. I do not need it though. The one I saw was exactly like this one from the Sundance shop online.

The wooden ones looked like an easy build so I contemplated making my own. Then it occurred to me that I have many pairs of stained glass earrings that I haven't worn since I retired...and wouldn't they be pretty hanging in front of a window.

So I gathered scrap wood for the base and dowels for the tree trunk and branches.

I arranged my earrings on white paper to see how to best make them fit the tree's shape.

After guesstimating how to build this tree, I did a little sawing and drilling and then put it all together. My tree is a little off-kilter and wonky but it serves my purposes. I rather like it.

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