Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Summer Day During the Pandemic and Snipping on Wood

Things these days are stressful.  Covid 19 has diminished greatly here, where it had been a hot bed. Our numbers here in Springfield are getting better every day, as more of the country is getting worse. Most folks in public here wear a mast without question.

Occassionally you see someone without.  My friend and I had lunch outside at our favorite bistro the other day.  All folks coming to the counter to order had on their masks except for one older man wearing a "Trump" hat.  What a dangerous statement to make; not wearing a mask.

Anyway, it is hot here and I am trying to wean myself more off of Facebook. It is a cesspool full of hate.....and joy.....and family....ugh. I hate that I am drawn to it.  Hopefully, I can remember to blog and then people in my life can keep up with me off of Facebook.

I am spending my hot days here carving on the screened in porch when I can.  My ukulele teacher had a tree taken out in her yard this week, so she requested that I carve a spoon from a limb. The tree was oak; not usually carved for spoons.  So, we will see how this goes.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

That's an intense looking piece of wood. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.