My classroom has been like an oven this week. 90 degrees. I measured the temperature of the air about a foot away from my heating unit. 118 degrees. I always think about the fact that I would save my county money if they just let me have a controllable thermostat in my room. 68 degrees is fine with me for the winter. The last time I saw an HVAC guy in my room, he said that they set the temps at 72. Yuck. Still, it is better than 90.
scherenschnitte 5" x 7"
This is beautiful and brilliant. What a way to cope with something you can't control.
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Perhaps you can send some of your heat to Mr. E, who has complained lately about his heat not properly working and his classroom being FRIGID! Good luck! I'm impressed that the heat inspired a snip.
This one is funny and so cute!!! Sorry about your heat problem. Good grief!
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