There were a few things that got done, however.
This is an illustration regarding a friend's tweet. Her class' frog had been sitting all alone at school for a week. Hungry. Cold. Lonely?
Some kind coworker actually made their way to the school and fed the poor creature.
Then there are these.
I decided to snip a few bookmarks. For Etsy? For gifts? For a change of pace? I've ordered plastic sleeves for them. They may or may not get background textures. I'll be playing around with them a bit before committing.
Actually, after having snipped a bit, I felt better about myself. It was validating to know that not every moment of the last week was spent napping or watching tv....or shoveling.
That kitty snip is my fave.
Mr. Frog is adorable...poor guy...glad someone thought to feed the poor fella!!! LOL!!!
Aw poor Filbert frog... hope he enjoyed his meal after the mercy mission by the co-worker...
the snips are fab... the cat is looking a little stung out
have a good week
aww... poor froggy! Nice co-worker too! Looks like the Kitty could have used some shoveling to burn up some pent-up energy! :) Hope you have a great week!
Love the erratic looking cat, as well as everything else you do!
I was wondering when you might go back? Poor Mr Frog and what a nice colleague. Good luck with getting those kiddo's settled down again!
Love the bookmarks but especially the kitty.
Just love these!
Beautiful work. I'm especially digging the wee spotted toadstool.
I just watched your great video of cutting out your grand-daughters picture. Nice job.
I want to do some cut out pictures of landscapes using variations of gray to show atmospheric haze, but I would have to use construction paper. Cutting out mountains and such would be no issue, but once they get to cutting out between branches and such, I'm concerned that they would be tearing the construction paper. These are 7th graders I'm referring to. Any suggestions? Your work is so wonderful.
like the narrowness of the book mark snips it gives them a unique vibe. glad someone was thinking about the poor frog, although we had some frogs that lived for about 6 years, and I was ready for them to go. we should have left for vacation and forgotten to have someone feed them. :) Please don't turn me into PETA. It didn't actually happen except in my mind.
Glad you got to play in the snow - it really is gorgeous in your pictures!
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