Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Sweet Little Gift

I've ordered a lot of gifts from the internet this year, and have been fearful that I would accidentally have the items mailed to me instead of the intended recipient. When I got a small package the other evening, that was my first thought.

Then I saw that it was from "Zen Crafter", Patricia, about whom I posted the other day. Though I had no reason to be receiving a gift from her, this was my first thought:

It was a greedy little wish, but I was hoping it might be one of her crewel stones.

This little package was the right size to be one.
I was so ecstatic to open the package and find this:
My very favorite one. Thank you, Patricia. This sweet matryoshka will not be put away with the Christmas decorations. I'm putting her on my dresser with my most precious and sweet objects where I can admire her all year.


Susan Tuttle said...

oh wow -- what beautiful gifts!

Merry Christmas:)

ZenCrafter said...

Merry Christmas, Jan! As I said, it was made with you in mind. Give her a little hug for me and have a wonderful holiday.

Julie said...

How awesome!!! She sure is a pretty little girl!!! Will look nice out year-round, for sure!

BTW...I thought of you while watching one of my fav movies...ELF, yesterday...there is a scene when he is snipping paper snowflakes VERY fast, decorating a department store where he works...that paper was flying...and I had an image of you doing your snipping like that!!! LOL!

Merry Christmas!!

Carole M. said...

oh my, aren't they just the sweetest little treasures?!

jackie said...

Hooray!! I'm so happy for you that you received that crewel embroidered "angel"!!