(This is only 14.5 miles from the White House. Surprising, isn't it?)
Low point of my day: Hearing my iTouch hit the inside of the toilet bowl. I didn't let it linger long enough to get a shot of it, but here is where it will reside for the next 24 hours or so.
my mother went cross country skiing today in fauquier county (after first calling and mocking me for living in an area where i couldn't ski) i'm so jealous of all you skiers. it was perfect snow for it! snow days growing up were usually spent skiing.
the year i lived in the ghetto in dc i'd see people getting around near chinatown on cross country skis. i've always wanted to cc ski in an urban area.
the itouch story is just painful. i'm holding mine closer as though it could catch the toilet disease. husband is always amazed how much i use it. i'm so distressed for you!
I think I would love cross country skiing! How wonderful this is so convenient for you and it is amazing it's so close to DC.
Oh geez the iTouch fell in the toilet - could this be one of those scenarios where someone could say that maybe you are a little too attached to your technology - heehehehhee Hope it dries out and works okay!
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