Monday, December 12, 2022

My Christmas Scherenschnitte Cards for 2022

 Annual Scherenschnitte Christmas Cards

Oh, boy. I suck at taking pictures of white art work. Sheesh. But here are my paper cut Christmas cards this year.

I first decided that I wanted to have a bike design. I like designs that have different scenes on different sides. So, voíla! Here is card #1. Santa riding a bike through the woods. Okay, so fine. Simple. I cut a boat load of this design.

But then I wanted to cut a design for a thank you note to friends who live in a well appointed craftsman style house. I based this cut on a Frank Lloyd Wright design. I like this one soooooo much better than the Santa. 

But......I already cut a ton of the Santa ones. And this one takes longer to cut.  Ugh. Which ones to send to whom???

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