Thursday, April 7, 2022

Pysanky from Munich and Bratislava

Pysanky from Munich and Bratislava 

During my trip to Europe I picked up two pysanky eggs. (Why, oh why, did I only pick up two??????). 

This first one, I bought at a lovely market in Munich. It is 100% painted. It resembles an egg that has used the drop and pull technique, of which I have zero skill.  I paid $5 and they put it in this egg carton that was created for pysanky sales.  (It has information on the carton related to where the egg was made.)

The next egg I bought in Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. We spent a couple of hours in that lovely medieval city, on our way to the Czech Republic. Again, I spent $5. I bought this one because it is simply paint on a white egg. They packed it for me in a little plastic tub.

On this trip I tried keeping the souvenirs to a minimum. I have regrets that I did not buy a little more.

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