Saturday, July 4, 2020

Spoons, Bikes, and Watermelon

Happy Fourth of July!

We did a 27 mile bike ride with friends this morning. There were lots of folks outside walking, paddling, and riding. I had my mask… one of those tube pieces of fabric, a.k.a. a Buff, and used it from time to time. Mostly I rode with out but if the trail looked crowded I flipped it up over my mouth and nose. 

It’s 2 pm and I am in my favorite space “in the house”; our screened porch. It is a bit warm but not at my limit. 

I will eat a little melon; carve on a spoon; and then retreat into the air conditioning when the thermometer nudges up just a little too far.  (Note: After sitting an hour or so in 90 degree heat, the air coming out of my fan felt like it was blowing out of an oven.)

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