Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Chip Carved Spoons

Since it has gotten chilly, and my carving space is usually on the screened in porch, I haven't done too much wood work the last few weeks.  Here are some of the chip carved spoons I made this summer though.

I found some wonderfully green wood in West Virginia where I take a solitary vacation every year.  Then, there is some old cherry that I got from there another year, that I kept in the freezer.  And then there is some spalted wood that I got from who knows where.  Love it!

1 comment:

Vivienne said...

Love your chip cut spoon project! Reminds me of Eastern European decorative arts.

You might like this children's picture book about art from a West Virginia author!

I had the pleasure of sitting in on a kindergarten class where an author [David Perri] visited for a reading of his picture book
called “Messy Larry”. It’s about a misfit bear who loves to paint. It has lyrical text and delightfully naïve illustrations to which the kids really responded and related.

I found it to be a great tool to teach the little ones about creative freedom and self-expression.

- Vivienne