Over on TeachersPayTeachers, I grew tired of my shop logo. I also read that shops with the image of the teacher/proprietor on their logo, tended to do slightly better than those with other images. Now, if I were freshly out of college on a cheerleading scholarship, I probably would have been thrilled to put up a photo of myself. However, I am not that.
What I am is a retired art teacher who works often with silhouettes. Doesn't it make sense that I would make one for my logo? (Think instant face lift and no double chins with this route!) I contemplated The Fat Fairy. She is reaaaaaally me, but not a great shop symbol, I think.
So here are some iimages that I came up with.
I'm not sure which image I will go with yet.
My favorite is the black and white one at the top of the post, but I also like the one with the turquoise, though I don't like the lettering as much on that version.
Thanks for the input, Phyl!
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