Thursday, February 24, 2011

100th Follower!

When my "followers" list hit 100, I wanted to celebrate.  So I cut this snip for "Miss 100", Amy Jackson.

She has a beloved puppy named Sadie, so I cut this in her honor.  "Lovin' That Sadie" is the title of this snip.

Here's Amy's art blog:  Art Is the Best Part of the Day. 

We're both art teachers in Virginia, though we are at opposite ends of the state.  Here's to seeing you at VAEA sometime, Amy!


GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Very cute! Yea! Happy 100 followers to you!

sallgood said...

So sweet! Congrats on 100!!

Julie said...

You would be happy to hear I checked out two books on papercutting from the to find time to try it!!! This is a cute one! Congrats on reaching 100 followers!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, 103 followers!! Congratulations, you must be doing something right:))